This training is for those who have already gone through the in-person training within 30 days of hire and need to do an annual refresher class

Recipient Rights Refresher Training - Click Here

Recipient Rights Training Certificate - Click Here



Effective October 2020 Riverwood Center is offering New Hire Recipient Rights training live via Zoom

New Hire Recipient Rights Training is provided on the first Wednesday of every month unless indicated to providers in advance.  Training will begin promptly at 12 PM.  Depending on questions and technical issues the class is expected to conclude at 2 PM.  You must remain connected and engaged in the training until the conclusion in order to receive a certificate.  

DATE:  First Wednesday of each month.

TIME:  12:00 PM-2:00 PM – depending on questions and technical issues. 




*This link is unique to each user and should not be shared with others. 

If you are registering your employees, please use their information.  If you use a standard email address or phone number, each registration will have to be forwarded to the employee to access the training.  The link is sent to the registrant within a few minutes.  Please have them look for it. 

Employees will receive a link for the test and the certificate to the provided email address.

*Remember it is unique to each person and will have the employee’s name on the registration. 

Considerations & Expectations for Virtual Training:

1.      Riverwood Rights Office does not provide the necessary equipment needed to join the training.

2.      Download the Zoom app prior to the training.  You will see the trainers and they will see you.  Please contact your employer if you need assistance or additional directions. 

3.      Connect early to work out any issues beforehand.  We are able to troubleshoot minor issues before the start of training but cannot work on issues after the start of training.

4.      Join the meeting with the camera option on.  This can be done from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

5.      There is no call-in only option to listen to the presentation. Students must be able to see and actively participate in the training. 

6.      Mute your microphone/phone or speakers unless asking a question.

7.      Students connecting more than 10 minutes after the start of training will not be allowed to participate and will be asked to join the next training.  The certificate will not be sent.

8.      Groups of people connecting from one location are completely fine.

9.      A link to the Recipient Rights Training Test will be sent to each student who attends and actively participates in the class.  All participants are expected to complete the final test individually and on their own.

10.  The ORR will be reviewing each person’s participation and will notify the provider if the employee is required to attend a second session.  

11.  Certificates will be sent once to the student’s email address.  The student is responsible to share the certificate with the employer.